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Friday, 6 October 2017



I affirm that I am the seed of Abraham and an heir of blessings. As the seed of Abraham, my mind is blessed with supernatural ideas, thoughts, and visions. I have received an overflowing of God's blessings and I am imbued with divine wisdom to bless and change the world around me. The power of the Spirit is at work in me mightily, and I am charged from within for good works. Hallelujah. I have a wholesome tongue, and I am making my way prosperous with my wholesome tongue. The wisdom of God is available to guide and lead me in the right paths to fulfill the dreams and visions that God has placed in my spirit. My mind is blessed of the Lord and I have wisdom for ministry, for my work, for my business, finances, health, education, and family! My life is improved and upgraded by the power of Holy Ghost and I function today, and always, in divine wisdom, manifesting the glory and virtues of divinity deposited within my spirit. Glory to God. Hallelujah!



This is something to shout about. Keep saying it, don't stop talking it. Remember, your mouth is the edge of a weapon. Refuse to be quiet ��
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God bless you.

#Iflourish #Vision400 #Blessing
#MonthofBlessing #Insight

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